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DevOps’s 5 Core Benefits for Business Growth

Compared to companies that follow a traditional development and release cycle, DevOps services help businesses streamline their product delivery process, which can provide them with a competitive edge. DevOps started as a culture of cooperation between operations teams and software development teams, two usually independent teams with frequently competing objectives. The adoption of this culture …

Unlock The Impact Of EdTech

EdTech makes learning easier, efficient, affordable and accessible. It also helps educational institutions to stay innovative, while reducing the extra expenses. With more than 10 years of EdTech experience, eSpace crafted many solutions with the goal of revolutionizing teaching and training practices to help entities and businesses implement efficient, reliable solutions to greatly improve the …

eSpace The Technical Arm Behind Egyptian Parliamentary Elections 2020

eSpace has had the honor of working closely with the Egyptian National Elections Committee (NEC) and MCIT to during the Egyptian Parliamentary elections 2020. We developed and operated the official online portal for the 2020 house and senate elections. Using the online portal voters were able to identify their polling details and locations. The portal …